Monthly Archives: March 2011

Loyal Heart

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Waiting for a loyal heart,

waiting for someone who has one,

waiting for someone who can be beside me

someone who care about me

someone who can encourage me when I’m down

someone whom I can lean on to


I’m looking for someone with a loyal heart

someone who will always be there even if I’m annoying at times

someone who don’t care if I’m ugly

someone who just love me for who I am


Oh dear, where should I look for one?

How can I find one?


For I am feeling lonely

For I am tired walking alone

For I am sick of acting strong when actually I really need a rest

For I am is who I am


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Live without stress is just like a plain cloth.

Not colorful.

Stress can stretch your patience, knowledge, wisdom and relationship.

That’s why stress is added into life.

In a way, stress helps someone to mature. πŸ™‚


when we have to prepare for the worst… prepare it well… so when it comes, we can handle it.

I chant:

“I’m trying my best~
I’m giving my best~
I let God take care of the rest~
Now let me rest~”

I pray so while I handle my stress, I don’t hurt other people:

Lord, I don’t want to be a stumbling block to other person. If I could choose, I would like to be a blessing~
Lord.. please help me. v.v

Keep in mind that the LORD is always with you, He has plans that human cannot understand.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, β€œplans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” –Jeremiah 29: 11–

My amazing God

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I actually just want to say that last week’s sermon really touches my heart.

I’d like to share a story, in which the Lord really answers your pray. He answers prays in many unthinkable ways.

Just for an example, I wrote a note in my mobile phone while I was sad and angry. I was like writing an SMS to God. I just thought, that God cannot reply an SMS. I really wish he did reply that time. But I just keep it and move on with my life. As I think it could not happen, on Sunday, HE DID REPLY my SMS through a sermon in my church. I was about to cry in church ( but I tried to hold my tears) as God proved to me that He can do anything.

To amaze you even more, the pastor wasn’t feeling well. So the sermon was quick. Thus I don’t need to hold my tears too long. πŸ˜› You see, Lord can even use someone who is not 100% healthy to do something wonderful.

Believe me, The Lord is just too amazing for us to comprehend.